Sunday, December 2, 2012

Opinion essay

Should high school students have jobs?
            Should High school students have jobs?  Should they have more responsibility than their parents?  What are they supposed to do?  It’s good for a young adult has so many responsibilities in their harms?  These are the few questions that came to our mind when we hear about the issue between high schools and jobs. Students should have a job because that would help them in a future not to far to get responsibility, discipline, independence and experience.
One reason high school students should have jobs is to increase their understand of responsibility. The majority of high schools students don’t know or I would prefer to say they don’t care about the meaning of the word responsibility. What does responsibility mean? For the society responsibility means a duty or obligation to satisfactorily perform or complete a task, however for me does mean when you have the conscience, capacity and the maturity to complete something can be a goal, task or any obligation. If the high schools students have a job his would help them to get more conscience about responsibility. This will help them to acquire more knowledge about responsibly in the real world. They can work part –time like babysitter, pizza delivery, cashier, tutor more ever exists so many easy jobs that a high school students can do to get responsibility. For example babysitting is a work that required so many responsibilities because you have to take care of a small person and you can’t be neglect with that child because you can be in a serious issue.
The second reason that why students should have jobs is to increase their discipline. Some students how are in high school they don’t have any discipline. They are students with bad behavior, however they are the most part of the time with problems with the police, parents, family and also friends. Have a job is a great way to help them with the behavior and with the discipline. Discipline means the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. If they have discipline they would learn how to avoid acting rashly and on impulse, to have self-control, and also help you with the ability to resist distractions or temptations. I knew someone how was so disobedience with the academic and moral. And his parents took the decision to make him work as voluntary with the government in Puerto Rico. In others words his job although he doesn’t received any money for that work hi was benefit because he change his bad behavior.
The third reason is to get independence and experience.  In my knowledge most of the high schools students want to work because they see work as on way to be independence. And they have the reason, however that doesn’t mean that there is independence completely. A person is completely independent when the person has 21 years old and lived by their self.  The real meaning of independence is not relying on another or others for aid or support. For example I have one friend that when she attend to high school. She worked in a super market as cashier, her name is Lourdes Rodriguez.  Although she only worked for a little time of 6 months. But during that time she acquired independence and experience. Independence because she could buy her own car by her self without any help of her parents. So in that way she could go to school and to work by her self in others word she got a little a independence, but a lot of experience.
            In conclusion I totally agree with that high school students should have jobs. That would a great way to help them to get responsibility, discipline, independence and experience. Because a student without this quality’s or skills would be nothing in the future.  Unlike to a student with quality will have a great future with better opportunity’s with a healthy behavior with out problems with the police, family, academic, mental and social problems. 

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