Monday, October 29, 2012

Although Puerto Rico and Germany are so different , when we are talking about school we have so many similarity’s with a few difference . The first difference is how many years are required to attend to school . In Puerto Rico are required to attend to school 12 year and in Germany is 13 years . This years are dived in 3 sections in both countries . Another difference is than in PR are 6 years of elementary school 3 years of middle school and 3 years of high  school but in Germany is 6 of elemen tary school 4 years of middle school and 3 years of high school . Than will be the only differences between Germany and Pr . However we have so many similarity . The first one is that in Germany  you have to assist to school 8 hour per day just as PR and also we have to assist to school 5 days per week . The second one is that we have the similar times for vacation .In PR we have 2 weeks of Christmas 2 weeks of thanksgiving 2 weeks of spring break and finally 6 weeks of summer vacations is equal in Germany . Is incredible how 2 country’s can be so similar with so many difference like the weather , time , food and culture . 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How to be a successful student in the IECP ?

To be a successful student  in the IECP you need to follow a few steps . First, create your goals : What has to be your goal ? Your goal should be to improve your English and be a viable to speak well .
After proposing his goal  you must follow a process. You have to do your homework, study hard for tests, and last but not least, you have to practice the language.One way to practice would be  for example, I am Latin American and Penn State has a very large population of Latin Americans. So to complete  my goal i try to hang out as little as possible with people of Latin America, so in that  I will forced to speak only English and that is  a grate way to practice English. In others words you have to speak you native language as little possible. But that is not all you need to be a successful student in the IECP . In my opinion those are the most important steps but the most important thing is that  you have to be a responsible student and you always have to be willing to learn from mistakes, and that steps or  whenever you want to called will help you to be a successful student in the IECP  .

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hi everyone I would like to introduce myself to you guys . My name is Genesis Alvarez Rivera . I have 17 years old but this saturday I'm gonna be 18 . I was born in the maine city of Puerto Rico "San Juan" . My native language is spanish . I have a huge family , I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters it's funny I "m the baby . I came to the United States 1 moth ago to improve my english . My goals for the future are finish college , get a job and have a family in others words have a successful life . My vision of life will be that you can't never give up  always would be a new tomorrow , so you have to take that change and correct your mistakes and be e better person everyday." A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."  by : Albert  Einstein . My hobbies are hang out with my friends, watch tv , play volleyball and also I like go to movies . That's all , I will see you later I hope so . 

X.O.X.O bye Guys 
Love : Genesis Alvarez